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Portseido Aug 2024 Update

Product Update Aug 2024

What have been released?

Introducing The New Feature

Short Selling and Margin Support

Short Selling and Margin Support

Expand your investment strategy with Short and Margin transactions, now available in your Portseido portfolio!

Keep tabs on all your investments effortlessly with Portseido, no matter which way the market swings.

Learn more about how to use Short Selling and Margin feature here!

More brokerage supports - We have added more brokerage support as follow:

Brokerage Aug 2024

What to be released in Aug 2024?

After recent Short Selling and Margin launch, we are working to add more features including...

  • Custom Asset
  • Brokerage Connection

Your financial objectives are our priority, and we are committed to creating the ultimate tools to support you. And thank you for choosing Portseido for your investment journey.

Happy Investing!

The Portseido Team