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Portseido Jul 2024 Update

Product Update Jul 2024

What have been released?

Introducing The New Feature

Performance Heatmap

Performance Heatmap

Our performance heatmap lets you quickly spot which sectors and stocks are hot or cold, making it easier to understand market movements.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this feature will help you make more informed decisions.

Check it out today in your account dashboard and start exploring the market in a whole new way!

More brokerage supports - We have added more brokerage support as follow:

Brokerage Jul 2024

So what to be released in Jul 2024?

Devs are working real hard! There will be more updates coming your way...

  • Short Selling Support
  • Margin Account Support

Hope that our tool is helping you make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals. And thank you for choosing Portseido for your investment journey.

Happy Investing!

The Portseido Team